
If you are experiencing urinary stress incontinence or other bladder issues, your Seasons’ provider may suggest a cystometrogram (CMG).

Performed in the comfort of our office, a CMG is a simple procedure that only takes about 20 minutes. Your doctor will insert a tiny catheter into your bladder. Then, your bladder will be filled with a sterile solution that will make it possible to evaluate your bladder function.

With your CMG results, your Season’s gynecologist will be able to determine the best treatment for you.

If you are currently on medication for your bladder, please make sure you talk with your doctor about this to determine whether you should discontinue your medications for a few days prior to your If you are currently on medication for your bladder, please make sure you talk with your doctor about this to determine whether you should discontinue your medications for a few days prior to your CMG exam. That’s it. No other preparation is needed prior to your CMG.